Breast Tightening Cream in India

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Breast Tightening Cream in India

Women have to face lot of shifts in their lives, right from their puberty, pregnancy to menopause. Woman’s reproductive health in directly as well as indirectly connected with their breast and hence, they reflect a lot about the emotional as well as psychological changes that she has to go through, every time.

According to the recent study, one out of 8 women are suffering with drooping breasts, which profoundly intimates about the physical passages that she is going through. Accordingly, a cosmetic market is full of Breast Tightening Creams in India and other stuffs, with many promises to revert the condition. In this regard, a well-rounded physical fitness and yoga practice has been proven to be useful and beneficial to revert the physical condition of the breast. Various literature is available in this regard, to spread the awareness about the proper breast care that is being implemented by every woman routinely in order to prevent future health issues, like breast cancer.

How yoga can be beneficial to boost women’s health?

According to the study that is being recently published in the International Journal of Women’s reproductive health; a cardio and gym exercises along with certain yoga poses can help facilitating an optimum immune system, with added flow of oxygenated blood towards heart and other circulatory organs.

The study further emphasized that implementing yoga practices in our day to day lives can reduce stress, boost immune functions, with a positive indication of minimizing harmful effects of the disturbed nervous system and the fight and flight response of the body. The optimum immune function is mediated through parasympathetic system developed inside the breast. Before analyzing and evaluating the positive as well as negative effects of the yoga on breast, it will be beneficial to understand the anatomy of the breast.

The breast anatomy

In order to understand how better can breast health be improved; it is very important to look at the anatomy. The human mammary glands are made up of lobules, and other glandular structures that are destined for the production of milk. The lobules have been directed into different channels to deliver milk into tissues. As such, there are no muscles in the breast and the only muscles that are involved are pectoralis muscles.

The energy centers

As per the Ayurvedic literature, the heart center or in case of women, the breast are identified to be the seat of wisdom that are being opened only in case of certain experiences, such as vulnerability, joy, feeling of expansion, etc. It can be rightly said that both breast and the heart are interconnected and depicts the power of a feminine sacrifice, health and the intentions. Accordingly, there are lot of yoga poses, mentioned herewith that are found to be suitable and useful to bring back the glow of vitality and youth, such as:

• Warrior pose
• Triangular pose
• Cobra pose
• Bow pose
• Camel pose

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